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Welcome to the heart of our spiritual education – Sunday School at St. Paul Coptic Church. We believe that nurturing the faith of our younger members is integral to building a strong, vibrant community centered on Orthodox Christian principles.

Our Mission

At St. Paul Coptic Church, we are committed to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for children and youth to grow in their understanding and love for God. Our Sunday School program aims to:

  • Teach Orthodox Christian Values: We impart the teachings of the Orthodox faith, guiding our students to develop a strong foundation in Christian values.
  • Foster Spiritual Growth: Through engaging lessons, activities, and discussions, we encourage spiritual development and a deepening relationship with God.
  • Build Community: Sunday School is not just a place of learning; it’s a community where friendships are formed, and faith is shared. We strive to create an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and connected.

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Our curriculum is designed to be both educational and enjoyable, tailored to different age groups. We cover a range of topics, including:

  • Biblical Studies: Exploring the stories and lessons from the Bible to strengthen our understanding of God’s word.
  • Church Traditions: Learning about the rich traditions and practices of the Orthodox Church, instilling a sense of continuity and heritage.
  • Prayer and Worship: Teaching the importance of prayer and participation in liturgical worship as essential aspects of the Orthodox Christian life.
  • Ethical and Moral Values: Discussing how to apply Christian principles in our daily lives, fostering a sense of responsibility and compassion.
Sunday School Schedule

Classes: Our Sunday School classes typically run parallel to the main worship service, providing an opportunity for children and youth to engage in age-appropriate lessons.

Activities: Throughout the year, we organize special events, performances, and outings to enhance the learning experience and strengthen the bonds within our Sunday School community.

Join Us!

We invite families with children and youth of all ages to join us for Sunday School at St. Paul Coptic Church. If you’re new to our community or considering enrolling your child, feel free to visit and observe a class or reach out to our Sunday School coordinator for more information.

In nurturing the spiritual growth of our young members, we build a foundation for a future generation deeply rooted in the Orthodox Christian faith. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our Sunday School community.